If you are not interactive and involved in social media your practice is going to die!  With the most recent buzz in small business marketing you may feel like your practice is suffering because you do not have a Facebook page or you do not have any reviews on Yelp.  Or maybe you Google “optometrist” and your name is on page 10 out of 10 pages for your local area.  There is a misnomer in optometric business that we follow the traditional lines of normal business practices.  Now I do believe that it is important for a practice to gain a social footprint but I do not believe that the impact is as strong as some believe.  The most important marketing you will ever do is in the exam room.  Whether you are on Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yelp or the like, the spoken word by a friend or relative is still the most powerful business builder of all.  Take a minute to examine your time management and see if you are spending the appropriate time on the most powerful stuff to build your practice.  A book on How Doctors Think is possibly the book you should be reading instead of What the Plus, Google+.

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