>Business negotiations and financial investments are motivators for me.  I had the privilege of evaluating a practice 2 weeks ago and assisting a buyer in making a successful transition into a new practice.  I was contacted at the beginning of this week and told the negotiation went smooth and the buyer/seller agreed on a price that was a win/win for both parties.  We are truly a family of optometrists and seeing successful transactions between members of our family is exciting.  In conversation the individual that I was communicating with stated, “now the work begins.”  He is absolutely right!  I am hopeful that we continue to stay in contact to share ideas and walk through similar “optometry ceo” type of decisions together.

I’ve tried to always put a “practice recommendation or insight” into the blog each week.  Our practice has had the best success of getting truly high quality applicants for staffing by putting the range of pay in the classified ad.