>I wanted to take the time to put in writing my fear of selling my practice to you.  Are you going to take care of my patients like I have for the last 30 years?  They are very important to me and I don’t want to leave them to just anybody.  Are you planning on keeping on staff that I have invested my life into?  I’ve developed key staff at the office and I care about their well-being and letting them go once you buy my practice is unacceptable to me.  As I look at retirement I am concerned that the money I have will last me until I die.  I wanted you to know this b/c I want to be nice and understanding to your excessive school debt and your families financial needs, but I need the sale of my practice to cash flow my retirement.

I hope you understand that I want to let go of the practice but it is very difficult.  I am excited about your interest and I am hopeful we can work something out.
