When applying for the position of optometrist it is extremely important that your potential employer know all aspects of why you are the best candidate for the position.  As a professional, it is even more important that you know the difference between a resume and your curriculum vitae (most commonly referred to as CV), and submit the appropriate one to the employer.

Resume:  This is the most common format used to apply for a job in general.  It includes your work experience, education, accomplishments, and general credentials.  This format is best used for general employment and would not be recommended for optometrists.


Curriculum Vitae (CV):  This is the format that you should spend all your time preparing and keeping up to date.  As an optometrist, this is the professional and best format for you to display why you are the optometrist to hire.  This format includes the basics of a resume but adds research and teaching experience, fellowships, grants, professional associations, licenses, and other awards.  The CV allows you to put relevant information that relates to the position you are looking to obtain.  For further discussion reference The PAIN of a Bad Interview at AOA Excel Eyelearn (you will need to search “interview”)

Optometrists should focus on the CV and make sure to keep it current throughout the life of their career.  Below is a comparison between the CV and resume.


  1. http://jobsearch.about.com/od/curriculumvitae/a/curriculumvitae.htm
  2. AOA Excel – Eyelearn “The PAIN of a Bad Interview”

*original post at OptometryCEO.com