Many of my colleagues email me with questions regarding our policy for texting. I don’t think there’s one rule that all offices should follow because each office is unique. However, I believe all offices should have clear guidelines on what is and is not acceptable when it comes to text messaging, social media, and internet/smartphone use.

Here are the written expectations for our staff members:

During all open business hours the internet and computers are for office use only (i.e.- filing insurance, address inquiries, OM, etc.). Staff members are not to use the office computers for personal email, instant messaging, shopping, games, etc. The only exception is the computer internet downstairs is available for personal use during break. Also, all staff should refrain from using personal cell phones (i.e.- phone calls, text messaging, internet use, etc.) during business hours. The only exception would be during each member’s one morning break and one afternoon break. Appropriate places to use personal cell phones are the coffee nook, the basement, the lab (out of view of patients), or outside. Cell phones must be turned to silent (vibrate is not silent) or be downstairs where any noise coming from the phone is out of hearing distance from patients. This policy is designed to increase office accessibility for our patients as well as increase office efficiency. Please advise your friends and family of this policy. Any breach of this policy will result in referral for consideration of dismissal as noted in the dismissal policy.
It is always easier to address a problem before the problem exists. A clear policy regarding the office stance on text messaging will give you the foundation to correct staff members the next time you find they are not following your directives. Be proactive and communicate your policy often.