Hello Name TagPrior to placing a name on birth certificate, many parents spend countless nights and Google searches looking for a name that resonates with them and will ultimately define their next child. The importance of a name should not be underestimated, especially when naming an optometry practice.

Years ago a practice’s name was simply placed on letterhead and street signs. Today, a name is critical to search engine optimization and online recognition through social media. The key to generating new patients is through online searches, so a good name can make all the difference.

Two types of people will read the above and come to different conclusions. An individual with a fixed mindset will say a name really doesn’t make much difference, so changing the practice name isn’t worth the effort. The individual with the fixed mindset will also continue to blame the economy and insurance companies for lack of growth.

In contrast, an individual with a growth mindset will see changing the optometry practice’s name as an opportunity to be relevant today while preparing for tomorrow. Growth mindset optometry CEOs know change is inevitable and change is occurring at a faster pace than ever. For more on fixed mindset versus growth mindset read Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D’s book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

The best advice for growing a practice is starting with a new name. A good name defines location and relevance to what you do.