Think about the last time you stopped your car to ask for directions. If you own a Smart Phone, you probably haven’t done this recently because of the phone’s ability to also function as a GPS. However, if your phone uses Apple’s maps, you might have had to ask for directions because you ended up in downtown Dallas when you typed in the airport. My current opinion of the iPhone map is not very high as it made seven mistakes on my last use. Unlike utilizing the iPhone app, in business you cannot afford to be taken down a road that leads to a dead end. Below are a list of roads that lead to partnership failure.

  1. Partners feel treated unfairly – Clear, concise and specific agreements should be outlined prior to the beginning of a partnership.  These agreements should be assessed yearly.
  2. Competition for patients – As a successful eye doctor, you most likely did not learn to take second place very gracefully. In my practice, I intentionally do not look at each doctor’s production throughout the month. By nature I am very competitive and I know that is not healthy for our partnership.
  3. Senior partner pulling rank too often on junior partner – Senior partners do have the privilege to pull rank when they see impending danger. If done too often this can not only discourage an exuberant younger doctor but can lead to a younger doctor fleeing the practice for a more fulfilling opportunity.
  4. Junior partner disrespecting senior partner with comments that the practice is out-of-date or too conservative – As I reflect on this, I am guilty of letting my senior doctor know too many times that we needed to be more progressive and we were not keeping up with what patients expected. If you are a junior partner, don’t make the same mistake I did in my naivety and hubris. If you have partnered with a previously successful optometrist, chances are he or she is successful for a reason. Take notes, ask good questions, and keep your comments in a journal that only you read.
  5. Junior partners are highly encouraged to dispense, do lab work, and fill the role of technician – From day one of your partnership you should be treated as a partner and respected as such. Of course, you may need to help in other areas from time to time, but your main role is that of a doctor, and you need to be practicing as one in the exam room.  If times are slow, work on building your practice through social media, social engagements, or inexpensive marketing.

Highways are often used for fast travel because they lack resistance points called stop signs. The road to failure is also a well-traveled highway. The most successful partnerships know that taking the time to stop, reflect and reassess the partnership agreement is the road to high profits and career fulfillment.