There are 5 questions that you should ask to find the perfect optometry staff member that will lead to a long-term high quality employee.  This is a statement that we want to believe but the truth is, you can have a great online posting, the best screening system, and the perfect interview questions, and you may still end up with an unsuccessful employee.  Hiring the right people is difficult and sometimes feels impossible.  If you search this topic on the internet you will find all kinds of advice for hiring.  Our optometry practice has found that character trumps all qualities and finding character is more than the questions you ask.  You can teach competence and you can coach chemistry, but you can not teach or coach character.  Below you will not find the magical questions for hiring good staff but you will find what works for us.

We first use an online application for screening potential employees because resumes hold little value and cover letters can be crafted from many online helps tools.

Online screening: (all applicants must go to our online application and submit answers to three questions below)

  1. In 150 words or less, tell us why we should hire you.
  2. What do you find is important in choosing a healthcare provider?
  3. In your work history, give one example of exceptional customer service that you were responsible for.

We receive the submissions via email and screen for spelling, punctuation, and well thought out answers.  If they pass this initial screening we request a 15 minute in office interview.

In office interview

  1. Why did you apply?
  2. What is an optometrist?
  3. Would you consider yourself detailed?  If so, why?
  4. Why should we hire you?
  5. What else should we know about you?

There are no perfect questions and those claiming that they have the perfect questions are just narcissistic.  The questions are never the key, it is the ability to get the interviewed to communicate why they are the best person for the job and why you should hire them.  If an individual can not sell themselves to you then how are they going to sell your office to potential patients, how are they going to communicate to patients, doctors, and other staff, or how are they going to sell product in the optical dispensary?  With today’s vast resources available at our fingertips, the answers to the most popular interview questions are only a click away.  So don’t spend your time looking for all the right questions to ask which result in all the pat answers, spend your time writing down the character qualities, staff culture (chemistry), and the competence required for the position.  Once you know what you want the questions become less relevant.

The above method usually narrows the options down to a potential staff hire of 2-5 individuals which we bring back for a 2nd interview.  The 2nd interview will be described in more detail in future blog posts.  Sign up to our RSS feed or by email to get follow-up posts.